Helping local councils act on climate change: Identifying a baseline for future improvements.

Climate Local is a Local Government Association (LGA) initiative, supported by the Environment Agency, to drive and support council action on climate change. 

LGA aims to help councils reduce carbon emissions and be better able to withstand a changing climate. Through Climate Local, are being supported to make savings in energy use as well as being encouraged to generate income from renewable energy.

Brief :

  • Define a baseline for current usage and values to help identify specific areas of high energy consumption and carbon emissions. 
  • Investigate and implement low cost, no cost solutions to refine the baseline. 
  • Develop long term strategy for help contribute to the goals of the Climate Local initiative.


MobiusFlow connected and collated data from new and existing systems, as well as two way control of devices to help build a detailed picture of their current footprint. Occupancy, carbon emissions, fault alerts, room temperature and energy consumption of their Office buildings, swimming pools and public facilities were all connected and provided an accurate digital picture of their current environmental impact.  


Having established a baseline, the council can now run MobiusFlow alongside their existing building management systems, HVAC controls, and add further sensors and devices to unlock further savings based on their findings. This means that the council can avoid committing to a large, expensive system before they have all the information they need.

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Helping local councils act on climate change: Identifying a baseline for future improvements.
MobiusFlow, Ben Hargreaves 12 October 2023
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